Saturday, June 29, 2019


CAPSU Raises Awareness and Protection

by Ronel Llasus

The participants give a thumbs up for the Training on Environmental Awareness and Protection spearheaded by CAPSU Burias Extension Department.

In order to share knowledge and spread awareness, Capiz State University- Burias Campus Extension Department conducted a Training on Environmental Awareness and Protection on June 28, 2019 at Agkawayan Integrated School.

Dr. Auralyn F. Balacase, Dean of the College of Agriculture & Forestry discussed about Climate Change and global Warming. She even warned everyone about the danger it will cause if people will not take the initiative of taking care the environment.

She also stressed to avoid burning coals and plastics, walking instead of riding vehicles.

Invited guests form the Department of  Environmental and Natural Resources talked about Deforestation, Floods, Droughts and Pollution. They informed the community on the significance of planting more trees in preventing and mitigating flood, landslides and other calamities.

The participants were challenged to support the various initiatives made by the government to protect nature.

After lunch, the session continues as Dr. Rector B. Latoza, faculty of College of Agriculture & Forestry presented the risks brought by ignorance and carelessness.

MDRRMC Jamindad representative, Mr. Rustom Llanera discussed the differentiated hazards from disaster. He even provided examples to help students understand the concepts.

In depth understanding of the responsibilities and obligations of DRRMC were presented by Mr. Llanera.

The discussion on Promoting Environmental Awareness was done by Prof. Ma. venus B. Lozada, Extension Chair of CAPSU Burias. She highlighted that human activities have something to do with the present situation of the environment.

"To help us protect Mother Earth, let us all remember the 3R's: reduce, reuse and recycle. Love your nature for your future." she concluded.

The seminar aimed to raise awareness and to put into action the vision, mission and goals of the Extension Program of CAPSU Burias inspired by its tagline "We connect; We innovate; We share".

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