Thursday, April 23, 2020


CapSU Burias: Battling Against COVID19 thru Initiative and Support

In a loud voice, expressing their desperate plea and outcry, Filipinos struggle to fight and rise against the COVID19 pandemic that had the world begging for mercy. People have witnessed the increasing number of deaths, sacrificed their time and cried for hunger for so many weeks. It is as if everyone has become hopeless and forgotten the spirit of unity.

For the poorest of the poor, this pandemic will be yet another suffering against which the global order failed to protect them. Moreover, the strong pressure and unceasing demands for the various frontliners to continue serving the community led to anxiety.

 Undeniably, the world is in great despair. Fear and confusion started to consumed the minds and hearts of the humanity, complaints and bad remarks are everywhere.
Until, selfishness turned into selflessness, as people around the globe are stepping up to help ease the pain and clamor against COVID19 in small or big ways.
Capiz State University Burias Campus remains true to its commitment - to serve as they launched initiatives to support the country’s' efforts against coronavirus disease pandemic. 

The institution clearly understands that this is a call for assistance, a time to lean on each other, opening their arms to connect and reach out to anyone assisting them in anyway they can.