Saturday, October 9, 2021



By Catherine V. Adaniel

         Capiz State University-Burias Campus carried out its first distribution of learning modules on September 9-10, 2021 at the Campus Covered Gymnasium.

      The academic year 2021-2022 formally opened last August 23, 2021 and with that, preparations were implemented to address the start of the class despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The four college departments of CapSU-Burias were scheduled appropriately to avoid large number of students gathering in the vicinity of the campus. To strictly ensure the safety and security of everyone, the following schedule were as follows:

         First Day (September 9, 2021) - CAF & COE

         Second Day (September 10, 2021) – COE & DABE

     The issued safety guidelines of the health authorities were followed to avoid the wide spread of the infectious virus. Apart from these, social distancing and proper queuing were observed the help of student officers at the gymnasium. Moreover, students were required to sanitize their hands before getting their modules.  

    The collaborative effort from the administration, faculty, staff and student leaders paved the way for the first module distribution to be done in accordance with the new normal set-up.

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