Tuesday, February 1, 2022


CAPSU Burias initiates transition to new normal

By Catherine V. Adaniel

Nurse Precious of CAPSU Burias checks the recipient’s vitals before administering the vaccine.

In anticipation of possible implementation of in-person classes, CAPSU Burias initiates preparations to guarantee the health and safety of the students, faculty members, and the administrative staff in the eventuality of conducting classes under the new normal.

The Campus’ initiatives unfolded as the Commission of Higher Education considers the start of limited in person classes in all degree programs on December 2021, depending on the alert level, and in compliance with the Guidelines in the Conduct of Limited Face-to-Face Classes promulgated by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs through a letter dated December 6, 2021.

“Capiz State University, therefore is also qualified to subscribe with the proposal of CHED. However, specific guidelines has to be crafted to guide the University in the implementation of such,” the letter stated.

The college deans cascaded said guidelines enjoining faculty and staff members in making necessary adjustments in the classrooms and offices.

Dr. Ma. Venus B. Lozada, College of Education Dean, shared that the preparations include intensifying vaccination campaign, retrofitting or restructuring of classroom arrangement, strict compliance to minimum health and safety protocols like social distancing and wearing of face masks, use of foot baths, and the utilization of acrylic barriers or plastic covers in required places.



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