Saturday, October 22, 2022


by Elijah Villaflor

Prof. Layos presents his research study at the European Society for Evolutionary Biology Congress. 

Photo credit: Prof. John King N. Layos

Prof. John King N. Layos, an instructor in the College of Agriculture and Forestry of Capiz State University Burias Campus, recently defended his dissertation in Prague, Czech Republic on August 15, 2022 before the congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology or ESEB.

            ESEB is an academic society that brings together biologists from all over the world, aiming to support, as well as help advance the diverse field of evolutionary biology and with that, it gathered researchers from different countries, which were composed of 50% students and 50% post-PhD scientists, of which Prof. Layos was a part of.

He, along with other graduate students from universities in the Philippines and Japan, presented their research studies and his study focused on the phylogeographic and evolutionary history analyses of Sus scrofa (domestic pig) in Southeast Asia, marking his last presentation as a graduate student of Hiroshima University, Japan as he is set to officially receive his PhD degree sometime this autumn.

In a Facebook post, Prof. Layos penned that he is “looking forward for more publication and research collaborations for the coming years.”


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