Saturday, July 8, 2023


by Lorgen N. Oseta

Batch 2023 graduates come on stage to obtain their hard-earned diplomas and medals.

Graduation is the embodiment of extensive efforts, sacrifices, persistence, and growth. It represents fulfillment of once-cherished dreams and aspirations, success, and above all, gratitude. This occasion is a time of merriment and happiness for students, their families, and loved ones, as it signifies the start of a fresh phase in their lives and the possibility of accomplishing careers and having a bountiful life.

On the 6th day of July, Capiz State University Burias Campus held its 19th Commencement Exercises, years after being celebrated in virtual space.

After long fights against silent battles and sleepless nights, the graduands have emerged as shining examples of determination, resilience, and development. They are now one step closer to their dreams and will soon be reaping the fruits of their hard work.

The 2023 Graduates confidently crossed the stage and accepted their diplomas and medals with a profound sense of accomplishment, marking the beginning of an incredible future ahead.  

From being students who were overwhelmed by courseworks, exams, and projects, particularly during final semesters - moments when they must complete important assignments and comprehensive exams; students who struggled with financial challenges, balancing academic deadlines and other commitments, like extracurricular activities and internships; and students who faced high levels of stress, anxiety, and burnout due to the pressure of excelling academically, expectations of their families, professors, and society — to survivors who just completed the arduous path towards earning those bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees.

Amidst the challenges they faced, they blossomed into brilliant individuals, equipped with knowledge, wisdom, and passion for making meaningful impacts on the world. Clearly, they demonstrated resilience, determination, and a drive to succeed. As they close a chapter of their lives, one that is marked by numerous ups and downs, they deserve to be celebrated and applauded.

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