Tuesday, February 9, 2021


     Aspiring student-leaders Honed for a Change
By Reynard Varnal

Honing students’ ability to lead, the Supreme Student Council of Capiz State University, Burias Campus held a Leadership Training for aspiring young leaders on February 8, 2021, via Google Meet with the theme “Leadership Competencies: Empowering Youth Minds for a Better Future”.

The activity aims to inculcate the minds of future leaders that they have an avenue for change amidst the pandemic. The resource speakers are Ms. Krishia Ann Labon and Ms. Merry Flor Martinez who had been part of the ASEAN Teacher’s Exchange Program during their time as student. They share insights on how they excel and how to become a competent leader.

The said activity is composed of 135 empowered students, intending to become a catalyst of change.


Sunday, February 7, 2021


                                        CapSUnian takes part in ADTI Program
                                                               by Emily Zonio

                            Mr. Kient Jerwin Tungala, a BSED Social Studies Major

        Out of 248 competitive applicants, one student from Capiz State University – Burias Campus was accepted to participate in the First Edition of ASEAN Debate Coaching Program facilitated by Australasian Debate Training Initiative (ADTI). It was funded by Australian Government through the Australia-ASEAN Council of the Department of Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Kient Jerwin Tungala, a second year student of CapSU Burias major in Social Studies has been given an opportunity to get involved in the said program which was conducted via Discord App.

         “It is an honor for me to be accepted [in this program]. I didn’t expect it because the selection process was so difficult. I am thankful to those people who supported me during the process and for those students who wanted to achieve more, try surrounding yourself with positive people who will always support, motivate and advice you to accomplish more,” Mr. Tungala said.

The program will start on February 8, 2021 and will run through until April 5 of the same year which aims to help improve the access to debating to ASEAN.

Monday, February 1, 2021

                            Remnants of Noble Footprint: 
            From an Academic Exit to Retirement Expedition                                                           by Leowens Ventura

This year, Capiz State University Burias Campus has to let go five calibre faculty after decades of service: Dr. Ludovico C. Olmo Jr. and Dr. Genoveva N. Labaniego from College of Agriculture and Forestry; and Dr. Leonora I. Gimoto, Prof. Elnor E. Briones and Prof. Edna D. Navarra from College of Education.

The path to greatness is not material profusion but a life spent helping others achieve their truest ultimate purpose; making a difference to the lives of naive students and sprightly cultivate their universal significance. Etching a luminous reminder that each student possess greatness that needs to be polished over time. Over the years, fiveprofessors in the academe have withstood personal travails, evaluations and overwhelming accreditation that oftentimes happen in a snap. Now, they are finally ending their voyage to embark into another one; retirement life. These distinct individuals have utterly mastered the supreme art of teaching; awakening the creative juices in students’ mind until no last pulp of internal adroit goes idle.

“There is no other greater feeling than beingpart of Capiz State University, Burias Campus.” Prof. Elnor E. Briones who served the College of Education for more than 39 years said that, “…this is where I learned a lot of new things. I was hurt, and loved, and laughed, and cried. Got left out among colleagues but yet, all the good times that we shared were and still are memorable up to this date. There is no other greater feeling than being a part of CapSU Burias. There were PASUC, CHED, and other evaluating agencies that accredit the University. I have learned to make the best of the situation that come into my life. I learn to enjoy what I see humor in life and stopped worrying what’s beyond my reach and understand that life doesn’t always unfold as I planned or imagined. She added that, “at the end, may I leave this word: you make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give”.

 “Retirement is a huge milestone in my life”for Dr. Leonora I. Gimoto, “after retirement, I can have something fun to do and learn new things which are the key to living a happy and fulfilling retired life. There be will no more pressures, no more tension and it would be a stress-free life. I’m very grateful of my co-mentors for the unity, good fellowship and for a harmonious relationship within us. I hope that those of us who have become close over the years will be able to keep in touch and that you will find time to visit me at home. I’m just a text away”.

 “I have finally served and fulfilled my purpose; I am beyond the supernova of bliss and content” Dr. Edna D. Navarra, the former principal of the Laboratory High School is humbled to voice that: “not everyone is destined to be a teacher, others have tried but are unfortunate to fully realized the extent to which the power of teacher impacts the young and novice minds of students. I am beyond grateful and blessed at the same time to be one of the pillars as an educator to make a difference to the lives of my students. I am humbled to announce that I have concluded polishing my academic journey and embark to a much more enthralling life that awaits me”.