Tuesday, February 9, 2021


     Aspiring student-leaders Honed for a Change
By Reynard Varnal

Honing students’ ability to lead, the Supreme Student Council of Capiz State University, Burias Campus held a Leadership Training for aspiring young leaders on February 8, 2021, via Google Meet with the theme “Leadership Competencies: Empowering Youth Minds for a Better Future”.

The activity aims to inculcate the minds of future leaders that they have an avenue for change amidst the pandemic. The resource speakers are Ms. Krishia Ann Labon and Ms. Merry Flor Martinez who had been part of the ASEAN Teacher’s Exchange Program during their time as student. They share insights on how they excel and how to become a competent leader.

The said activity is composed of 135 empowered students, intending to become a catalyst of change.


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