Friday, March 19, 2021

Webinar Series: Portal of Journalism
by Emily Zonio


            To hone and develop the journalistic skills and interest of the students in the campus, CapSUnian Echo Staffs hosted a 3 Days Webinar Series on Campus Journalism last March 17-19 via Google Meet and Facebook live streaming.

     Seven resource speakers provide satisfactory wisdom in every topic. It includes: News Writing, Feature Writing, Editorial Writing, Editorial Cartooning, Introduction to Journalism, Media Interview, Copy Reading and headline writing and Page Layout and Design.

            Workshop were done after the discussion in the news writing, feature writing, editorial writing, editorial cartooning, and copy reading and headline writing for the participants to apply their learnings    Promising writers were awarded with worth 100 pesos load and for the special awards such as most participative and early bird for every session’s registration received 50 pesos worth of load.


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