Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Ag Eng To!

Department of Agricultural Engineering conducts training on Ginger Tea “Instant Taho” Making

The participants observe the demonstration of the various machines.

The Department of Agricultural Engineering (DAEn) conducted a Training on Ginger Tea “Instant Taho” Making at the Agricultural Engineering Laboratory Building on July 11, 2017. 

The recipients of the said extension activity were the members of the Burias Farmers’ Association and some other ginger farmer and ginger tea producer in Barangay Burias, Mambusao, Capiz.

The activity aimed to extend to farmers the existing developed technologies on ginger tea making of the department to help them come up with other income generating project and achieve better efficiency in producing their product.

It started with an opening program and was graced with the presence of the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Forestry -Dr. Sykum L. Legarda who warmly welcomed the participants and congratulated the department for coming up with the said activity. 

Prof. Ma. Venus B. Lozada, Extension Chairman of CapSU Burias was also present in the activity who emphasized to the participants that the extension program of CapSU Burias  always aimed to bring helpful services to our farmers.

The presentation of the technologies was given by Engr. Arlyn C. Olmo and Engr. May Dinah S. Braña. 

The technologies presented were Ginger Grinder, Ginger Juice Extractor and Ginger Crystallizer. The speakers explained accurately the functions of each machine and how they are operated.

The highlight of the activity was the techno-demo led by Engr. Julito A. Albaladejo, Engr. Russell A. Andaya and Mr. Joe Rey Frac. The process of ginger tea making was demonstrated one by one to the participants from ginger grinding, extracting and crystallizing. Some participants were then allowed to operate the machines.

During the open forum, the participants were given the opportunity to ask questions to the presenters and demonstrators. Their questions were mostly about the price and how the CapSU Burias Extension Services can help them avail of the said technologies/machines.

During the closing ceremony, one of the participants in the person of Mr. Teodoro Salaya gave a response. He expressed his gratefulness to the CapSU Burias family particularly the Department of Agricultural Engineering for conducting the said activity. According to him, the activity will be very helpful to them and they are looking forward for more collaboration with the University.

The extension activity ended with the distribution of Certificate of Participation to the participants and a closing message from the DAEn Extension Coordinator- Engr. Marilyn L. Bernabe who said that she was very happy and pleased to organize the said activity.

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