Thursday, December 17, 2020


                         CAPSU Burias Graduate School submits three programs for accreditation

CapSU Burias faculty attends Accreditation opening program.
                                 CapSU Burias faculty attends Accreditation opening program.

The team of accreditors from the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities (AACCUP) evaluated the three programs of CapSU Burias-Graduate School from December 14 to 16, 2020.  These programs include Master of Public Administration, Master in Management and Doctor of Education, Level III-Phase II.

Dr. Ronnie N. Parica from University of Rizal System was the team leader to evaluate Master of Public Administration; Dr. Jerry S. Cristobal  and Dr. Esmen M. Cabal are both from President Ramon Magsaysay State University assigned team leaders for the programs Master in Management and Doctor of Education.

The opening program was done virtually and graced by Dr. Editha C. Alfon, CapSU President and other key officials deans and members of the accreditation task force, faculty, staff, students and other stakeholders of the University.

Sunday, December 13, 2020


                          CAPSU Burias bags awards in Regional Symposium
                                                     by Dhaine O. Villorente

    Capiz State University, Burias Campus researchers garnered awards during the 30th Regional Symposium on Research and Development Highlights with the theme “R&D Innovates, Reinvents and Adapts to the New Normal”, December 10-11, 2020.          

    The activity was represented by faculty- researchers from Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. The research work entitled Development of Coco-Fiber Twinning Machineby Engr. Marilyn L. Bernabe, Engr. Monalyn L. Oloroso,Engr. Julito A. Albaladejo, Engr. Willard P. Opher and Engr. Michelle V. Villamor won first place whereas the research title Construction and Evaluation of Single Screw Plastic Recycling Machine by Engr. Efren Linan, Engr. Julito A. Albaladejo, Engr. Stanley Nobleza, Engr. Frank Samillano and Engr. Marilyn L. Bernabe secured third place.

    The Regional Symposium on Research and Development Highlights, specifically aimed to evaluate researches conducted by the different member agencies, promote interaction between and among researchers, extension workers and other clienteles.

Sunday, December 6, 2020


                 UMBY-CAPSU Webinar Series: Academic Collaboration to go Global

By Emily G. Zonio

The resource speakers coming from Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta and  Capiz State University for the upcoming webinar series from December 17, 2020 to February 4, 2021.

Partnership amidst pandemic!

Capiz State University with its aim to go global has forge partnerships for academic collaboration with the international learning institutions through the South-East Asian Ministers of Education Organization Programs.

The activity is spearheaded by Dr. Mary Ann B. Martelino, Vice President of the Office of External Affairs and Linkages.

The Weekly Webinar Series between Capiz State University and Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta will commence on December 17, 2020 and will run through until February 4, 2021 with both universities' topnotch resource speakers via live streaming on YouTube and Facebook page (CAPSU External Affairs and Linkages). 

The webinar’s theme "Sail Through: Global Teaching Approaches for Teachers During Covid -19 and Beyond" highlights overcoming adversities brought by the sudden changes in education system.

Each week, there are two resource speakers coming from each university discussing an assigned topics.

This is an academic collaboration activity to promote Quality Education and Partnerships through the internationalization activities of the University.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020



                                                                INDUCTION PROGRAM

                      By:  Jay Ramon M. Alayon

“Leaders lead and learn simultaneously!”

        As restriction to mass gathering is still being implemented, Capiz State University Burias Campus conducted a Joint Induction program through virtual interaction.

        The newly selected officers of Supreme Student Council and Future Leaders of the Philippines were inducted via Google meet on November 24, 2020.

        Dr. Stephanie L. Pimentel, Campus Administrator emphasized the true essence of leadership and that service is one of the most important aspect.

    “The University will always be there to provide, help and support leaders to be more responsible, passionate and develop innate leadership qualities” said Dr. Pimentel.

            Prof. Mark L. Sibug, Chair of the Office of the Student Affairs reminded that in this time of pandemic, leadership and service are of utmost important.

    He commended the student leaders for accepting the challenge and for being courageous, dedicated and passionate to serve in spite of uncertainties.

    He also shared the 7 rules of service leadership. “Leading with service is now very challenging but keeping these rules in mind as you plan and response each day will help you succeed” Prof. Sibug added.

            Dr. Stephanie L. Pimentel inducted the Supreme Student Council and Future Leaders of the Philippines officers.

         SSC President Nicanor L. De Ocampo and FLP President Louel Lee G. Agapalo expressed their willingness to serve wholeheartedly in their inaugural speech.

            “Leadership is the art of motivating the group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. A great leader posses a clear vision, has an integrity and clear focus.” SSC President, Mr. De Ocampo said

            “There will be always negativity in an organization whether it will be the people who will judge you or the criticisms yet I will stand and be an example leader that turns negativity into positivity” said Mr. Agpalo, FLP President.

             The program was successfully concluded with the closing remarks from Engr. Monalyn L. Oloroso, FLP Adviser.

Monday, November 23, 2020



Positive and Warm Support Matters

            Educational leaders are critically important in the success and progress of an institution. They are a symbol of strength and wisdom which keeps everything sailing towards its goals. They affect various aspects such as the environment, attitude and reputation of the school. Their essence will never be measured. For eight years, Dr. Ludovico C. Olmo Jr. has served Capiz State University Burias Campus. He has established a sense of community, where individual differences brought positive impact rather than setbacks. 

            Dr. Olmo has an accommodating vibe that allows the faculty and staff to freely express themselves when faced with difficult decisions.

He exhibits optimism and and offers support to the best of his ability. He radiates humility and acknowledges the hard work of his colleagues as he proudly says “You are the wind beneath my wings”, every time he delivers a message.

Though sometimes work becomes hard, he never stops in leading CapSU Burias to achieve more. After his many years of serving CapSU Burias from being a professor to a campus administrator, he is finishing his final year in the institution, planning to retire this January.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Sunday, November 8, 2020

                                                        CapSU Burias welcomes new CA

     Dr. Stephanie S. Pimentel is the newly appointed Campus Administrator of Capiz State University Burias Campus.

    Prior to this, Dr. Pimentel served as the OSA Chair of the campus.

    Soon after, she was assigned as UBAO Director of the University which made her leave Burias Campus.

    “I just need your strong support. Let us continue the remarkable legacy of those who have led before us. Actually, I am overwhelmed, I am just happy. I am home.” said Dr. Pimentel.

Thursday, October 29, 2020


                                     Student Internship abroad, triumphantly completed

By Emily G. Zonio

Building own future career through real world experience!

    The University welcomed Shyn B. Gallenero on October 26, 2020 after successfully completing the internship abroad through the Agro-studies Student Internship Program in Israel (Daniel Hen's Poultry Farm).

"Internships are an excellent way of gaining real world experience, with potential future co-workers and managers and also to help lay ground work you'll need to build the future of your own career", said Gallenero.

She face various difficulties such as working independently which feels like the scariest thing for her. However, she managed to adjust within two weeks and became more efficient at work.

     "Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you. Work hard in silence and let success be the noise." has been her mantra whenever she felt down and wanted to give up.

     Her experiences as an intern influenced her outlook in life. She also developed a sense of hope that Filipinos will once again stand up and see what riches they have enough to strengthen the agricultural development in the Philippines. 



Thursday, October 8, 2020

                                      CapSU Burias student gets Internship Program

Nicanor L. De Ocampo, a CapSU Burias student got accepted in Senator Kiko Pangilinan Internship Program for eligible students starting from October 5 to November 7, 2020.

      The Internship Program in the Office of Senator Pangilinan is a project–oriented learning program with assignments varying widely from year to year Depending on the needs of the office. It also provided a unique opportunity to learn more about the daily operations in the Senate.

“I think the internship program is really meant for me. It was a last minute information that there was still an available slot and I grabbed that opportunity. I gave my best during the selection process .” De Ocampo shared his experience.

De Ocampo is assigned in the Electoral Organizing Committee.

One of their tasks is to make guidelines on the distribution of 5,000 tablets to less fortunate individuals.

Monday, October 5, 2020

CapSU Burias Campus classess open under the New Normal setting

by Arnold V. Dela Rosa

The College of Management prepares for the distribution of module.

    Capiz State University (CapSU) Burias, Campus on Monday, October 5 has formally opened the First Semester classes for Academic Year (A.Y) 2020-2021 in compliance with the advisory released by the Office of the University President. 

    This was after having one postponement of classes on August 17 under Advisory No. 3 Series of 2020 received from the University President, Dr. Editha C. Alpfon, in observance to the required health standards enforced by International-Agency Task Force (IATF) due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the Province of Capiz. 

    “I am very glad that despite the global pandemic, CapSU remains steadfast in upholding to its commitment to public service. Though many things have become different from the usual, yet, our goal in providing quality education and services that adhere to international standards continues with that unwavering conviction.” Dr. Lodivico C. Olmo Jr., Campus Administrator said on a Virtual Orientation Program on September 5. 

    Based on the video presented during the program, in the New Normal setting, the University will provide modular and online classes. 

    For the online classes, a course facilitator will reach out to the students. They will utilize facebook group chats and facebook conferencing in case the students are having connectivity issue. 

    On the other hand, for modular classes, the module will be distributed monthly. 

    The process in scheduling of module distribution is campus-based. Students will be contacted by their course facilitator and after one month the work or answer sheet will be returned by the student’s parents or guardians for below 21 years old to the assigned area.

     Afterwards, another set of modules will be taken by student’s parents or guardians. Furthermore, for the students who are far from the University and are affected by lockdown, the module will be delivered by the University Representative or through a courier. 

    All these are done by means of following the minimum health standards, guidelines and protocols imposed by IATF and Department of Health (DOH). Dr. Lodivico believes that this academic year is truly altered, as there is a big shift from face-to-face classroom instruction to virtual and modular modes of delivery. 

    However, he assured that the Campus will continue its best services that the students truly deserve. “This is our best way of showing our gratitude to you for bestowing your trust and confidence CapSU Burias, Campus to be your nourisher of knowledge.” 

    On the same virtual program, Dr. Editha C. Alfon, the University President also welcomed the students. 

    “This is new and I do hope that you will be patient enough with your faculty, fellow students so that we can make adjustment until we can pass this stage of challenging times.” Dr. Alfon reminded.


Wednesday, September 30, 2020

CapSU Burias student gets Internship Program

    Nicanor L. De Ocampo gets selected for the internship program 

        Nicanor L. De Ocampo, a CapSU Burias student got accepted in Senator Kiko Pangilinan Internship Program for eligible students starting from October 5 to November 7, 2020.

         The Internship Program in the Office of Senator Pangilinan is a project–oriented Learning program with assignments varying widely from year to year depending on the needs of the office. It also provided a unique opportunity to learn more about the daily operations in the Senate.

    “I think the internship program is really meant for me. It was a last minute information that there was still an available slot and I grabbed that opportunity. I gave my best during the selection process .” De Ocampo shared his experience.

    De Ocampo is assigned in the Electoral Organizing Committee. One of their tasks is to make guidelines on the distribution of 5,000 tablets to less fortunate individuals.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Regents vote for CapSU President reappointment


    The University Board of Regents voted 8-2 for the reappointment of Dr. Editha C. Alfon as Capiz State University President on September 5, 2020 via Zoom.

    She took her virtual oath on October 16, 2020 administered by CHED Chairperson Prospero De Vera III.    
    Dr. Alfon started her second term on September 8, 2020 and will end on September 7, 2024.    
    In her reappointment, Dr. Alfon hopes to introduce more developments in the institution including the pursuance of the ISO Certification and linkages with international partner agencies.

She also envisions technological advancements to help CapSU rise beyond what it can offer in this globally competitive era.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


CapSU Burias: Battling Against COVID19 thru Initiative and Support

In a loud voice, expressing their desperate plea and outcry, Filipinos struggle to fight and rise against the COVID19 pandemic that had the world begging for mercy. People have witnessed the increasing number of deaths, sacrificed their time and cried for hunger for so many weeks. It is as if everyone has become hopeless and forgotten the spirit of unity.

For the poorest of the poor, this pandemic will be yet another suffering against which the global order failed to protect them. Moreover, the strong pressure and unceasing demands for the various frontliners to continue serving the community led to anxiety.

 Undeniably, the world is in great despair. Fear and confusion started to consumed the minds and hearts of the humanity, complaints and bad remarks are everywhere.
Until, selfishness turned into selflessness, as people around the globe are stepping up to help ease the pain and clamor against COVID19 in small or big ways.
Capiz State University Burias Campus remains true to its commitment - to serve as they launched initiatives to support the country’s' efforts against coronavirus disease pandemic. 

The institution clearly understands that this is a call for assistance, a time to lean on each other, opening their arms to connect and reach out to anyone assisting them in anyway they can.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


A Man of Action, Not of Words
by  Blossom Pearl O. Villorente

               Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower other – John Maxwell

               Being an SSC President is such a heavy task. The position requires unwavering dedication and great leadership skills. You must have a strong passion and desire to create a positive change not only around the school campus but also by helping other people throughout the community. 

                Nicanor De Ocampo Jr. also called as “Nong Nick” is a third year college student of CAPSU Burias. As an active President of the Campus, it is his duty to ensure that the students are following rules like attending flag ceremonies, programs and activities held around the Campus. Through his wisdom he came across an idea of giving penalty to those students who miss to attend on any part of the school activities. The idea of making the students pass a set of school supplies in every absent made. This school supplies are given to the chosen elementary school through an outreach program. Here’s everything you need to know about what it means and what it takes to be an outstanding student/ outstanding leader.

Your idea of paying school supplies as penalty is very creative. How did you come up with this thought?

“For me, paying school supplies as penalty is very much creative. As we can see, this penalty was given to those who neglect to follow the school rules of our school like not wearing school uniforms and not attending school programs as well as to those who refuse to be responsible enough in attending the flag ceremony. These problems are the root why I came up with this idea. Through this, we can be able to change the negative attitude of every student but we can also help others because this school supplies as penalty will also be use for the outreach program of SSC.”

In line with the penalty given to students by means of giving school supplies, is it effective to lessen the absenteeism of student?

“Yes, indeed. Base on our records from the very beginning. We can really say that absents of
students was lessen.”

As the SSC President, what is your message to those who are striving hard to finish their studies despite their poor situation?

“As SSC President, my message to those who are striving hard to finish their studies despite their situation, keep it up, never give up, and reach for your dreams. Life may be hard on you today but when you keep on striving, I know that at the end of the day you will reap the fruit of your hardships. Success! “

Helping children must be close to your heart. How does it feel to see the smiling faces of children in your outreach activity?

I love children. I love to be with them and helping them makes my heart happy as well. Seeing
them smile makes me smile too. Even though I will end my term this year, still I will continue to help them.

As SSC President, how beneficial is school supplies for pupils/parents?

School supplies are one of the important things we need in school. These school supplies that
were given to the students is very beneficial as well to their parents. Students who doesn’t have school supplies can avail so that they have something to utilize .Parents can save money too. Instead of spending that money to purchase those school supplies, they can still spend it for food which is a big save.

How important is your role as an SSC President in honing the minds of
young children?

Being an SSC President is not easy. There are so many works to do. Schedules, and meetings to attend. The big responsibility is in my shoulder. I should be the role model to everyone that makes my responsibility heavier. I need to influence them to become more of themselves as well as honing their minds.

Mr. De Ocampo, taught us that when we commit to something, you have to carry on with what you have committed. You deserve recognition for your tremendous service. Indeed, leadership is not about the title. If you want to create impact, make change, leave footprints, influence people, or be an inspiration, do it!


Friday, February 14, 2020


CapSU Burias Molds Young Journalists
by Blossom Pearl Villorente

The role of journalism has been evolving and undergone a massive change. With this
transformation, CapSUnian Echo conducted a two-day Seminar Training-Workshop, February 12-13, 2020 with a theme “Campus Journalism in 21st Century”.

      The event teaches, enhances, and sharpen the skills and talents of students who 
desire to become journalist.

Thursday, February 6, 2020


Surpassing Olympians: Snatching for Silver and Gold Medals Amidst Conundrum
by Leowens Ventura

                  Even for Hermes, the Greek god of speed, typically depicted wearing talaria and petasos, Dyna Rose G. Nicolas, a second year BSABE student of Capiz State University Burias Campus knew that somehow, winged sandals and hat won’t make her win the race but an athletically burning spirit to triumph. Enough to paying her outstretched weary hours and days of sprint as a sacrifice amidst conundrum.

                 When her foot first crept to the soil of the erratic, Dyna Rose G. Nicolas, a representative of CapSu Burias for the running event, haltingly thought that she might not really sure where the wind would take her.

Saturday, February 1, 2020


CAFiestahan 2020: Experience and Enjoyment
by Emily Zonio & Elmer Christian Lamayo

         Collaboration of the three campuses—CAPSU-Burias, Dumarao Satellite College and Tapaz Satellite College leads the way to success of the CAFiestahan 2020.

          College of Agriculture and Forestry celebrates CAFiestahan 2020 with a theme, “Innovations.
Commitment.Sustainability” on January 29-31, 2020 at Capiz State University-Burias Campus gathering key officials, faculty, staff and students from various satellite colleges and campuses.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


Kongkretong Laboratoryo para sa CAPSU

By Jethro Ace Labto


Imprastrakturang handog ay kaalaman tungo sa isang makabago, produktibo at maka-agham na pag-aaral na may kinalaman sa Sektor ng Agrikultura.

Sunday, January 26, 2020


JEJAK-TABI EXCHANGE 2020: A Lifetime Experience
By: Jay Ramon M. Alayon

     In order to promote social discourse, dialogue and potential social change, Capiz State University joined a two day symposium theatre workshop spearheaded by Jejak- Tabi Exchange on January 24-25, 2020.